What's Up With Pro Golfers Giving the Finger(s) on the Green?
A few years back I was chatting with a teaching professional who was interested in writing a golf instructional book. Those books are a dime a dozen, I reminded him, and unless you have some kind of great hook for one, it's unlikely yet another instructional book will make any money. Oh, I have a hook, he said: green reading. Green reading? Yes, the teaching pro replied: think about it - green reading is one of the most important facets of golf, yet it's never really taught. New golfers are just expected to pick it up as they go. Oh, they might hear very broad advice about methods of visualizing break, but nothing really specific, nothing really in-depth. I did think about it. And I had to admit, that was a good hook. Unfortunately for my friend, he never got around to writing a book explaining in-depth how to read greens. And somebody else beat him to it - probably, let's be honest, with a much better system anyway. What system? The one that has professional golfers ...