Beat the Field Streaks: Back When Tiger Dominated

Once upon a time, Tiger Woods dominated golf like no golfer before. Crazy to think there are actually golf fans alive today who don't remember Woods' incredible streak from 1999 through 2000. They've heard about the "Tiger Slam," but didn't witness it.

And today, Woods is struggling and probably will never be "Tiger" again. He's coming off an 85 at The Memorial as I write this.

But once upon a time ... Here's a brand new example of just how dominating Woods was in those days: Golf Magazine columnist and stats guru Mark Broadie has examined PGA Tour rounds since 1983 and discovered that Woods holds a hitherto unrecognized record - most consecutive rounds beating the field.

"Beating the field" means scoring better than the average of the field in a golf tournament for each given round of that tournament. From August 1999 to November of 2000, Tiger beat the field in 89 consecutive rounds.

How astounding is that? Tiger's streak is nearly three times longer than anyone else's "beat the field" streak since 1983. Here are the Top 5:

1. Tiger Woods -- 89
2. Mark O'Meara — 33
3. Stewart Cink — 32
4. Peter Jacobsen — 30
5. Luke Donald — 29

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