PXG Golf: Premium Club Company from GoDaddy Founder Bob Parsons
This tweet came across the transom today:
This is happening! #RyanMoorePGA puts @ParsonsExtreme #Golf clubs into play at the #HyundaiTOC http://t.co/FYeHnvVpNM via @PGATour #PXG
— Parsons Golf (@ParsonsExtreme) January 9, 2015
We all know who Ryan Moore is, and you might be familiar with his quirky history when it comes to golf equipment and endorsements. In the past he's gone years without an endorsement deal - by choice - and he's played some lesser-known (to average golf fans, anyway) brands such as Scratch Golf.But who the heck is PXG Golf? PXG Golf is Parsons Xtreme Golf, and it's the baby of GoDaddy.com founder Bob Parsons. When you're super rich you can indulge your passions, and Parsons is passionate about golf. He owns Scottsdale National Golf Club, and now he owns his own golf equipment company.
Check PXG Golf prices on Amazon
And Ryan Moore, always unafraid of doing his own thing, is playing PXG irons in the first PGA Tour tournament of 2015, the Hyundai Tournament of Champions.
PXG doesn't even clubs on the market yet. But that's OK. Tiger Woods signed with Nike Golf before Nike had ever made any golf clubs. (Moore hasn't signed with PXG, though: he hasn't signed with anyone, deciding against re-upping with TaylorMade. He's just playing the clubs he wants to play with PXG.)
On the Parsons Xtreme Golf website (PXG.com), we are told that "golf equipment unlike any other is almost here."
You can be sure that PXG irons will cost a lot. They even brag about it:
"Sound expensive? You bet. Worth it? Absolutely. ... For the select few who have the means and the desire to play golf with the very best, PXG clubs will soon be available."
The irons are getting the attention now because Moore decided to play them this week. But Parsons Xtreme Golf is a full-line manufacturer: They'll be releasing driver, irons, fairways, hybrids, wedges and putters.
PGATour.com wrote this explaining Moore's decision to play the PXG irons:
According to Moore, he started started testing prototype irons over the winter and fell in love with Scottsdale-based PXG, which was launched by Bob Parsons, the founder of web domain GoDaddy and owner of Scottsdale National Golf Club and also an avid golfer.Parson's unveiled his first prototype on Thursday when he tweeted out a photo of an iron with the markings PXG 03x on the back.
"I basically couldn't get them out of my bag," Moore said of the new irons.
One thing Parsons' GoDaddy.com is known for is a cheeky approach to advertising. As in butt cheek. The website domain and hosting service employs a made-you-look salaciousness in its advertising with bikini-clad "GoDaddy Girls," including (among others) a scantily clad, provocatively posed Danica Patrick. Like this:
Might we see the same thing with Parsons Xtreme Golf? The company does have "Xtreme" in its name, after all. Could PXG sign a hot LPGA golfer, or two or three, and pose them provocatively with putters and drivers?
You never know with Parsons. But I'm skeptical. After all, PXG Golf is appealing to a whole different demographic. All the early web copy and design for the company is focused on high-end, not rear ends.